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Star Dust


“The You Are Star Dust” CD

Our physical body primarily comprises carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. The stars are made of these same elements, although we have different proportions. Our bodies and the stars are made out of the same elements! Are we stardust?

A French physicist, Joel Sternheimer, discovered the sound frequencies of molecules. Joel produced a formula to calculate frequencies for elements in the Periodic Table.[1] So, every element has a frequency. Therefore, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen make frequencies, a song, if you will! The stars have a song and so do we!

Joel also learned that amino acids in plants produce songs. We can’t hear them, but with his equipment, he can! Joel discovered that when he played back the amino acid’s songs to the plant, its growth doubled, increasing its resilience to drought and disease.[2] This tells me that when we sing our song in harmony, we become all we were meant to be.

The scientific theory of entrainment says that a strong vibration in close proximity causes the lessor vibration to change and copy the more robust vibration. This is one reason the plant growth doubled when it heard its song; it sang it in tune! Also, when you hear the sounds of the stars (raised octaves into your hearing range), you can vibrate in harmony with the songs of the heavens.

According to Hans Cousto, we can calculate the pitch of a planet if we know the time it takes a planet to complete an orbit: Frequency=1/period.

For example, the Earth takes 365.24 days to orbit the sun, so the Earth’s frequency is 1/365.24 days.[3] By doubling the frequency by octaves, this note can be heard. We can listen to the sounds of the stars!

“Happy are those familiar with the tones of our planet. Happy are those that attune themselves to the rhythm and movement of the earth.”

[1] Cousto, Hans. The Cosmic Octave, the Origin of Harmony. LifeRhythm, Mendocino, CA, 2000

As you hear the star’s vibration, you can vibrate in tune with it. So, you can sing the song of the stars and the stars can sing in you! We are in the choir of the “uni-verse,” meaning one verse or song.

  • As you cut the length of the rotation of stars or a planet in half, double the star’s frequency and get an octave higher pitch.
  • Double the frequency and get an octave higher note as you cut a violin string’s length in half.

See the relationship between pitch and the heavenly bodies? The frequencies of the stars and the planets in orbits use the same laws of harmony as our music!

There is harmony in the heavens!

 The Frequency of the Earth, Moon and the Sun

Physicist Hans Cousto suggests that when you tune into the earth’s frequency, you simultaneously tune into the energy of others, such as the Indian and Tibetan monks, who are in harmony with the planet. By tuning into their energy, you participate in their peace of mind, you “become part of the morphogenetic field” of all those already in harmony due to their regular meditation.[4]

When you raise the earth-day frequency 66 octaves, you create the resonance of DNA, linking the resonance of DNA and the earth tone. Can you tune up your DNA, by listening to the tone of the earth?

The scientific phenomenon of the hundredth monkey shows that when a certain percentage of the monkey population learned a new trick, the entire population of monkeys, even those on other islands who had never seen the trick, could then easily perform it. Therefore, we can tune into the frequency of those who are already in tune due to their regular meditation.

Cousto notes that the moon affects the tides and also our body fluids. He also suggests tuning with the moon frequency can help stabilize fluid imbalances.[5] He also cautions not to use tuning forks to replace traditional medicine.

Cousto tells us about the impact of the tone of the sun: “Meditation music attuned to the sun tone is beyond all imagination and will lead the listener into new dimensions. Above, all, it is recommended for people whose souls are full of joy and whose spirits are clear, for those who are prepared to leave everything behind them without regret. Meditation carried out to the tone will lead the listener to a state beyond good and bad, shame and guilt, beyond space and time, knowledge and wisdom, action and rest, and being and non-being. It leads to a state where the all-in-one and the all-encompassing are no longer separate entities but are reunited at their tone, common origin — the origin that is also you.”[6]

Album Preview


[1] Maman, Fabien. The Role in the Twenty-First Century. Tamo-Do Press. Boulder, Co.1997. pg 15, footnote.

[2] “French Physicist Creates New Melodies – Plant Songs.”

[3] Cousto, Hans. The Cosmic Octave, the Origin of Harmony. LifeRhythm, Mendocino, CA, 2000.

[4] Cousto, Hans. The Cosmic Octave, the Origin of Harmony. LifeRhythm, Mendocino, CA, 2000. Pg.  62.

[5] Cousto, Hans. The Cosmic Octave, the Origin of Harmony. LifeRhythm, Mendocino, CA, 2000. Pg. 79.

[6] Cousto, Hans. The Cosmic Octave, the Origin of Harmony. LifeRhythm, Mendocino, CA, 2000. Pg. 95.

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